Real knowing purpose

‘I am Pure Soul’ that is our ‘real knowing purpose’! That ‘careful protection of the instinct of pure knowing’ is the ‘final pure profound incessant meditation or reflection’. The ‘the true effort behind the goal of real knowing’ is the ‘ultimate pure profound meditative reflection’.
When ‘we’ begin to experience that ‘sleep’ ‘waking hours’ and any variation of this state of being is a non-issue and only the quest of knowing the ‘real’ takes precedence within our heart, mind, consciousness and entire psyche, the ‘ultimate pure profound meditative reflection’ has been tasted! There is NOTHING... not any temptation that can lure from this GOAL! That is when we can experience the ‘final pure profound incessant meditation or reflection on the ‘Gyani’ in His elemental Pure Soul form! '

Read 4401 times Last modified on Monday, 30 December 2013 08:24

Holistic Science Research Center

Maha Videh Teerth Dham Complex,
Kamrej, Surat 394 185

  • Contact: +91 2621 250750

Title song:  Ye Vishwa me Sukh aur Shanti ho
(ये विश्व में सुख और शान्ति हो)
Lyric, Music:  Kaviraj Navaneet Sanghavi
कविराज नवनीत संघवी
Singer:  Kaviraj Navneet Sanghavi & Chorus
कविराज नवनीत संघवी व साथी

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