What is the relative soul?

What is the ‘relative soul? Let it be said, the part of the soul form that one has ‘believed’ oneself to be, and that part of the soul again not ‘that’ ‘core soul’ but the body (relative) soul believed part, the body and soul believed (projected falsely through the wrong beliefs of past karma) part!
The falsely projected image of what ‘we’ believed ourselves to be in the ‘relative’ is what is manifested today so that ‘projected being’ is our ‘relative soul'. The reason it is called a relative ‘soul’ is because it could not function or exist without the brilliant light of the soul within. What gives the relative self life is the presence of the ‘soul’. However, this relative soul is believed to be ‘real’ by most people due to ignorance and not having the 'realization' of the Pure Soul. So, essentially the relative personality or self is a combination of relative and real (pudgal and chetan).

Read 6519 times Last modified on Monday, 30 December 2013 08:24

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Title song:  Ye Vishwa me Sukh aur Shanti ho
(ये विश्व में सुख और शान्ति हो)
Lyric, Music:  Kaviraj Navaneet Sanghavi
कविराज नवनीत संघवी
Singer:  Kaviraj Navneet Sanghavi & Chorus
कविराज नवनीत संघवी व साथी

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