The conscious goal of knowing

The conscious goal of knowing means the intention to ‘view-know’, the conscious purpose for the soul (atmabhav). The pure intention for the soul (atma-svabhav) - one’s personal purpose and one’s own pure intention!

How can we ‘view-know’? Only if we are ‘Shuddatma’ i.e. pure soul... how can the known be a knower?! The relative-self can only be the 'known' not the ‘knower-perceiver’.  It makes logical sense.

Read 4362 times Last modified on Monday, 30 December 2013 08:23

Holistic Science Research Center

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Title song:  Ye Vishwa me Sukh aur Shanti ho
(ये विश्व में सुख और शान्ति हो)
Lyric, Music:  Kaviraj Navaneet Sanghavi
कविराज नवनीत संघवी
Singer:  Kaviraj Navneet Sanghavi & Chorus
कविराज नवनीत संघवी व साथी

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