‘Science’ in any circumstance whatsoever does not ever become ‘partial’ in any way; it is totally ‘immune’ to the relative concepts of good and bad. ‘Science’ means ‘without any illusion, in its pure form’ (as it is). What is science? What ‘is’ in science absolutely ‘is’ and what ‘isn’t’ in science absolutely ‘isn’t’, but that science is not about having the hopes of something being something it is not. What ‘is’ can never be what it ‘is not’ because of expectation or hope that it won’t be. And what ‘is’ with the expectation or hope that it ‘isn’t’ can never be negated. lT ‘lS’ from both aspects. What ‘IS’ only that can be called ‘science’.
So this implies that ‘science’ is neutral and impartial. The elements in their rawest form are neutral and impartial. The rain falls and the sun shines on the world full of good, honest people, business men, women, children, thieves, pimps, child abusers and the like! The rain and the sun don 't ‘think’ that oh... let me not give sun here and only have rain fall on the ‘bad’ ones. It is all EXACT according to the universal cosmic computer’s programming. The results are due to merits or demerits fed into the universal cosmic computer. So, the only way to view/perceive ‘scientifically’ is to do it elementally. When people are seen, within a split fraction of time, the vision of the skin, blood, bones and inner organs should automatically occur. That is 'elemental' vision that leads to being a true spiritual scientist. There are so many layers to the mind, it is important not to get caught in these layers! Then it is JUST a play of intellect and is not pure ‘science’ which is knows/ knowing what IS ‘as it is’ and what is NOT ‘as it is’.
The entire path for liberation is based on words (language), the ‘Turning Point’ is based only on words. This world is based on words and they are the set-up of the world, the root cause only is words (language).
Without language in any culture, there is no culture. The French have their culture through language as do the Germans, Danish, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, Hindi, and all the other varieties of peoples in the world. Within the language, there are protocols of language that specify ‘class’ of culture and that, too, is based on language. Language, jargon, words, they hold too much power in the world. More so than ‘we’ realize! lf the entire path for liberation is based on words, then it is quite mind-boggling how much power language, jargon, speech and ultimately words hold. It is not just the words but the tone, manner and ultimately, the intent with which they are spoken. The words of the ‘Gyani’ are divine because He has no ownership of these words whatsoever. They are EXACT and PURE because there is no ‘doership’. His words are elemental and raw in their form. They go straight to the heart due to the level of purity. Only He has this power! He has FULLY realized and experienced that the speech is a ‘tape-recorder' that is playing ‘pre-recorded’ tunes by the universal cosmic computer. Furthermore, His purity of intention is a HUGE factor in His ability to impact.