An Introduction to Holistic Science

24 July 2013 By In Book Review

Book Review
Holistic Science of Human Life and Nature
As Revealed by DADA BHAGWAN
authored by
Dr. P. C. Parikh

Among all living things, human life is very special and precious in the creation. Now a days, human being has lost his real happiness due to lack of proper understanding. For all those who wish to understand the true dynamics of interdependence between the human life and the nature and lead happy and harmonious living, Akram Vigyan (Holistic Science) revealed by Dada Bhagwan (Late A. M. Patel, 1908-1988) gives a concrete solution, which helps to maintain peace and harmony without any disturbances in this hard and adverse time. In this book "Holistic Science of Human Life and Nature" Revealed by H.D.H Shree Kanudadaji", edited by Dr. P. C. Parikh, elucidates the Holistic Science or Akram Vigyan is like drinking nectar for leading a stress and hassle free life and conformity with the nature. The narration is very lucid and simple and covers the different facets of human life and nature. Holistic Science (Akram Vigyan) explores the science of “Self” and ‘Circumstances’- inner and outer along with Natural Regulatory Mechanism of every happening of the Universe.

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Title song:  Ye Vishwa me Sukh aur Shanti ho
(ये विश्व में सुख और शान्ति हो)
Lyric, Music:  Kaviraj Navaneet Sanghavi
कविराज नवनीत संघवी
Singer:  Kaviraj Navneet Sanghavi & Chorus
कविराज नवनीत संघवी व साथी

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