Holistic Science of Life & Living Vol III - Special Issue Sept 2014


Special Issue on 85th b’day of our Inspirer Shri Kanudadaji

Holistic Science is both holistic and scientific. The knowledge aspect of soul or self is Holistic and the relationship of the soul with the external is explained on scientific basis except that this science is 'Inner Science' and deals with human life from the gross to the subtlest levels. The knowledge of one's Real identity as Pure Soul and its role in the relative worldly happenings within the physical body, which includes mind, speech and body itself dispels the numerous wrong beliefs, doubts, puzzles and ignorance that are the causes of human's sufferings and stress.

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Holistic Science Research Center

Maha Videh Teerth Dham Complex,
Kamrej, Surat 394 185

  • Contact: +91 2621 250750

Title song:  Ye Vishwa me Sukh aur Shanti ho
(ये विश्व में सुख और शान्ति हो)
Lyric, Music:  Kaviraj Navaneet Sanghavi
कविराज नवनीत संघवी
Singer:  Kaviraj Navneet Sanghavi & Chorus
कविराज नवनीत संघवी व साथी

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